An 18-month-old girl presents with abdominal pain, vomiting and drowsiness for one week. Her parents report she has also been drinking more than normal and is once again wetting the bed. On examination she is alert, tachycardic (HR180) but normotensive with dry mucous membranes, sunken eyes and a CRT of 3-4 seconds. Her peripheral pulses are weak and thready.
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What are the initial management priorities?
She responds well to 20 ml/kg fluid resuscitation and stabilises. She passes urine. Her blood gas results are:
pH 7.15, pC02 3.5, HCO3 5, BE -15, Na 135, K 5.0, Glu 36, blood ketones are 4.9
What are the management priorities now?
Her weight is 10kg. Her pH is 7.0 on the initial blood gas. She has passed urine after the initial 20ml/kg fluid bolus. She is no longer shocked.
Write a prescription for the appropriate fluid & insulin therapy at this point.
Bloods taken 2 hours into her treatment reveal:
pH 7.1, pCO2 3.6, HCO3 5, BE -15, Na 136, K 3.9, Glu 32, blood ketones are 4.8
What could be the underlying cause?
You check her infusion site. It appears to have tissued. Her biochemical state gradually improves over the next few hours once a new cannula is inserted.
At 12 hours her bloods are as follows: pH 7.2, pC02 4.2, HCO3 10, BE -8, Na 138, K 3.6, Glu 12, blood ketones are 3.3
Write a prescription for the appropriate fluid & insulin therapy at this point.