An accurate history and examination will help to identify factors that differentiate the causes of jaundice.
It is important to ask about the following risk factors:
Clinicians should also specifically ask about:
A full examination may provide clues as to the cause of jaundice.
Alcoholic liver disease
Signs of alcoholic liver disease such as palmar erythema, spider naevi, proximal muscle wasting/weakness, hepatic flap, fetter hepaticas, cerebellar signs or encephalopathy.
Acute Cholangitis
Fever and right upper quadrant tenderness in association with jaundice are known as Charcot’s triad.
Metastatic liver disease
A hard nodular liver on a background of known malignancy may indicate metastatic disease.
Painless jaundice with cachexia and an epigastric mass strongly suggests biliary obstruction from malignancy.