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Which of the following is NOT considered a major risk factor for PE?
Which of the following symptoms is most commonly present in patients with a PE in the ED?
The pre-test probability of a patient having a PE with a Wells’ score of less than 2 is:
D-Dimer is elevated in many disease processes. When used for the investigation of PE this explains its:
Which of the following treatment options is the most appropriate for a pregnant patient (weight 60 kg) diagnosed with a PE in the second trimester of pregnancy?
A positive troponin test in a patient with PE is most likely secondary to:
In which of the following cases can a PE be confidently excluded?
In treating patients with a confirmed PE, which of the following treatments does NICE currently advocate as first line management?
In which of the following patient groups may Fondaparinux be considered more appropriate than LMWH for the treatment of a suspected PE?
Regarding thrombolysis for patients deteriorating from a suspected massive PE, which one of the following statements is correct?