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publications from across the site
This month we have 1. NIV for RSI Preoxygenation (PreOxy Trial), 2. NICE Guidelines for Meningitis, 3. TERN SHED Study and 4. New Online.
Accidental iron overdose in a young child.
Poor old lumbar spine it does a lot of the heavy lifting for the body but probably doesnt get anywhere near the attention of the cervical spine when it comes to trauma.
This session covers key points in common ocular trauma scenarios that the emergency physician may encounter.
Advances in neonatal care have resulted in more ex-prems being discharged into the community, and these fragile neonates tend to be frequent fliers.
A 12-year-old boy presents to your local ED complaining of a 2-day history of chest pain.
This session is based upon the RCEM College Best Practice guideline on Ketamine Procedural Sedation for Children in the Emergency Department.
Cardiac arrest in pregnancy is a potential presentation to the emergency department. If it happens, you are likely to be cognitively overloaded.
Sudden visual loss is a presentation one should expect and be prepared to see, as an emergency physician.