The RCEM Lecture Notes: Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition presents important need to know information for all those involved in treating patients in an emergency setting
All our Current COVID-19 information collated together in one handy iBook alongside amazing content from St Emlyn's and Don't forget the bubbles
This iBook (in conjunction with a series of associated clinical cases) is another manifestation of the heterogenous learning communities which constitute EM.
Human factors is a hot topic. Weve got *loads* of resources on this, so we thought wed put some together in an iBook!
This iBook is structured according to the ATLS 10th edition chapters. Why have we done this when ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) is often considered "archaic" and not to be recommended
We are pleased to announce our PEM Starter Pack with 12 blogs rolled into one handy iBook
This is the second induction iBook ready for the August 2018 rotation. There are some amazing blogs written by superb authors, which we are sure you will find interesting and useful when starting your induction.
Link to ibook 4 and a PDF version available here
ED Starter Pack Blog Book
iBook 3 including 'Looking like Maggie Simpson' , 'Pem and EX PREMS', and 'prolonged jaundice'
Temp Taking and how to Take it by Andy Neill, A new Dawn for Stroke Patients by Nikki Abela, and Arrest Asthma by James Yates
Managing Parkinsons in the ED, Flaoting in the Face of Danger, MaxFax injuries in the E, and Paediatric Heart Murmurs & what to do with them