A Shocking Accident

Author: Callum Gandolfi / Editor: Martin Dore / Reviewer: Srikanth Padmanabhan / Codes: / Published: 17/11/2022

The red phone rings. The prehospital team are bringing in a 14-year-old girl from a road traffic accident. She was a restrained front seat passenger in a car travelling 30mph. Her mother lost control and the car hit a tree. She self-extricated from the vehicle but began to complain of abdominal pain when the prehospital team arrived.

Her observations are as below:

  • GCS 15/15
  • Pulse 126
  • Blood pressure 79/43
  • Respiratory rate 32
  • Saturations 100% on 15L via non-rebreathe mask
  • Temperature 36.5oC

Her mother is also inbound in an ambulance but is stable. As part of the trauma team, you receive the above handover and prepare your resus cubicle.

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