Acute Coronary Syndromes: Pathophysiology and Presentation

Author: Jason M Kendall / Editor: Jason M Kendall / Reviewer: Liz Florey, Jolene Rosario / Code: A1Published: 21/10/2021

Before commencing this session you should be able to appropriately interpret ECGs

After completing this session you will be able to:

  • Describe the pathophysiology underlying acute coronary syndromes
  • Define acute myocardial infarction
  • Classify the various presentations within the spectrum of acute coronary syndromes
  • Interpret features of the history, examination and ECG in terms of likelihood ratios that increase or reduce the probability of definitive diagnosis
  • Recognise the need for additional ECG leads where appropriate
  • Describe the role of cardiac markers in patients with acute coronary syndromes


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