AHHHdrenaline, why is this not working!?

Author: Noel Fernando / Editor: Martin Dore / Reviewer: Mohammed Hamza / Codes: / Published: 30/09/2022

A 54-year-old gentleman comes to the Emergency Department (ED) with an hour history of sudden onset worsening shortness of breath. He took his first dose of amoxicillin this morning for a suspected sinusitis. He has a history of hypercholesterolaemia and hypertension and his regular medications include Simvastatin and Bisoprolol.

On examination the patient is conscious but appears distressed.

Vitals – PR – 130/min, BP-85/60 mmHg , RR-32/min , Sats -92% on room air, temp 37.4

A – Patent, mild swelling of lips , self ventilating

B – Bilateral wheeze on auscultation, Bilateral air entry throughout.

C – Cool peripherally, CRT 4 secs

D – GCS 15/15

E – Widespread urticarial rash

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