Patient assessment MCQ


  • No pulse due to continuous flow. (Some patients may retain a pulse depending on LVAD type and underlying ventricular ejection). The fully offloaded LV has no pulse because it is empty and the systemic circulation is driven by a continuous flow pump. 
  • Unreliable oxygen saturations: a pulse oximeter relies on pulsatile flow.
  • Blood pressure taken using Doppler sonography to measure a MAP (normal 60-90 mmHg) using a blood pressure cuff using Doppler to either listen or with ultrasound to see at what pressure flow begins would indicate the MAP.
  • No Heart sounds. Instead, you will hear a continuous hum

Go back to your basics of patient assessment:

Capillary refill time, temperature of peripheries, neurological status, urine output.

Here is a link to a video showing how we can measure the blood pressure of an LVAD patient.