A paper about a new blood test called myocyte necrosis factor, to diagnose Acute Coronary Syndrome.
You are reading a paper about the effect of tranexamic acid for patients who have suffered major trauma
You are reading a paper about a new blood test called myocyte necrosis factor, to diagnose Acute Coronary Syndrome
Prospective, randomised, placebo controlled, double blinded trial
A paper about a new blood, test called myocyte necrosis factor, to diagnose Acute Coronary Syndrome
A paper about a new blood test called myocyte necrosis factor, to diagnose Acute Coronary Syndrome.
You are reading a paper about a new blood, test called myocyte necrosis factor, to diagnose Acute Coronary Syndrome
You are reading a paper evaluating a diagnostic test. The authors report the test against a gold standard and present Receiver Operating Curves (ROC).
A paper about a new blood, test called myocyte necrosis factor, to diagnose Acute Coronary Syndrome
This session covers the critical appraisal of an important randomised controlled trial.
On the recommendation of a colleague, you are reading the PARAMEDIC trial that compared mechanical CPR using the LUCAS-2 device, with conventional manual CPR
You have been assigned the following paper from the New England Journal of Medicine to appraise for your weekly journal club meeting