Critical Appraisal: Appraising a Treatment, Hand Lacerations

Author: Adrian Boyle / Editor: Tajek B Hassan / Reviewer: Peter Kilgour, Phil Delbridge / Codes: / Published: 08/03/2021

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Compare efficacy and effectiveness
  • Define bias
  • Define “intention to treat”
  • Explain the benefits of randomisation
  • Identify statistical significance from confidence intervals


  1. Jadad AR, Moore RA, Carroll D, Jenkinson C, Reynolds DJM, Gavaghan DJ, and McQuay HJ. Assessing the quality of reports of randomized clinical trials: Is blinding necessary? Controlled Clinical Trials 1996 17(1): 112.
  2. Greenhalgh, Trisha. 1997. How to read a paper: the basics of evidence based medicine. London: BMJ.

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