It’s Been a Gas

Author: Adrian Boyle / Editor: Adrian Boyle / Reviewer: Nadarajah Prasanna, Raghaventhar Manikandan / Codes: / Published: 18/03/2023

A 55-year-old man is brought in with fatigue and headache. He was working in a derelict building’s kitchen when he found that the gas oven was leaking.

He has no past medical problems. His vital signs are; pulse 120, BP 125/80, respiratory rate 22. Examination of his heart, chest and abdomen are otherwise unremarkable.

The Foundation Doctor has done arterial blood gases on air which show:

  • pH 7.30
  • PC02 2.92 kPa
  • PO2 12.5 kPa
  • Na 135.2 mmol/l
  • Ca 1.3 mmol/l
  • K 4.2 mmol/l
  • Carboxyhaemoglobin – 23%
  • H+ 50 nmol/l
  • BE -6 mmol/l
  • HC03 21 mmol/l
  • SA02 99.2%
  • Lactate 2.2 mmol/l

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