My grandma is complaining of eye pain

Author: Umar Ahmed / Editor: Sarah Edwards / Codes: / Published: 23/06/2023

An elderly woman is brought into the Emergency Department (ED). Her granddaughter explains that the woman has been experiencing worsening left eye pain ever since a procedure she had to both eyes.

When questioned further, she has also noticed reduced vision in the left eye. The patient hands over a clinic letter which explains she had intravitreal anti-VEGF injections to both eyes a few days ago for her wet age-related macular degeneration. She has no concerns with her right eye.

The patient mentions that sometimes she feels discomfort after the injections and feels it may get better itself, hence hasnt contacted the eye clinic or presented to ED sooner. 

Visual acuity is only hand movements in the left eye with the clinic letter mentioning previous visual acuity of 6/18.

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