Post-tonsillectomy Bleed

Author: Fiqry Fadhlillah / Editor: Frances Balmer / Codes: Published: 02/06/2022

Tonsillectomy is a common procedure performed by ENT surgeons for recurrent infections or obstructive sleep apnoea.

In the UK, post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage occurs in around 5% of patients and is the most common serious complication. The majority of post-tonsillectomy bleeds are self-limiting. However, bleeding can be occult and early identification is important to prevent further complications. Whilst extremely rare, sudden severe haemorrhage is known to occur and can result in death from airway obstruction or hypovolaemic shock.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand the pathophysiology underlying post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage
  • Be able to recognise and clinically assess the patient with a post-tonsillectomy bleed
  • Resuscitate and control bleeding while awaiting ENT intervention in a severe post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage
  • Manage smaller post-tonsillectomy bleeds in the emergency department


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