Author: Daniel Horner / Editors: Jonathan D Whittaker, Tajek B Hassan / Reviewer: Martin Dore, Emma Everitt / Code: / Published: 05/09/2018 / Reviewed: 22/04/2024
Sudden visual loss is a presentation one should expect and be prepared to see, as an emergency physician.
This session aims to provide an appreciation of the scope of the problem, together with a practical approach towards assessment, diagnosis and management of the most common causes.
After completing this session you will be able to:
- Describe the scale and basic aetiology of sudden visual loss as a condition presenting to the emergency department (ED)
- Identify the common isolated causes of monocular visual loss presenting to the emergency department
- Specify how to perform emergency assessment in the emergency department and what to look for to identify the likely causes of sudden visual loss
- Evaluate a presentation of acute visual loss and form a differential diagnosis using history, examination and basic investigations
- Recall the general and specific emergency department management of common conditions causing monocular visual loss, including prioritisation and need for urgent specialist assessment.
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