The Dying Patient

Authors: Thomas Mac Mahon / Editor: Frances Balmer / Codes: Published: 06/06/2023

The care of patients who are at the end of their lives or dying in the emergency department (ED) is a key responsibility of all emergency medicine clinicians.

This learning session explores how to recognise patient trajectories as they approach the end of their lives, as well as the diagnosis of dying. It goes on to outline a practical yet comprehensive jigsaw approach to all facets of palliative care in the emergency department, including legal aspects, spiritual and emotional care as well as symptom management and communication skills.

Learning objectives:

  • Recognise dying and patients at the end of their lives
  • Communicate effectively and empathetically with patients and their relatives
  • Appreciate the range of sources to determine a patients care wishes, and their legal standing
  • Use pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic methods for managing symptoms at the end of life
  • Confidently manage the spiritual, emotional and continuing care needs of patients receiving palliative care.


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  24. Department of Health, Equality and Human Rights Group. Religion or belief. A practical guide for the NHS London, UK: Department of Health; 2009.
  25. Goett R, Isaacs E, Chan GK, Wang D, Aberger K, Pearl R, et al. Quality Measures for Palliative Care in the Emergency Department. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine 2022
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