Zygomatic Complex and Nasal Injury

Authors:  Jonathan D Whittaker / Editor:  John P Sloan / Reviewer: Thomas Mac Mahon, John Wilson / Code: O9Published: 28/05/2021


This session covers the assessment, investigation and management of injuries to the bones of the midface; the zygoma, zygomatic arch, maxilla, orbit and nose.

After completing this session you will be able to:

  • Describe the clinical anatomy of the zygomatic and nasal complex
  • Identify the clinical features of fractures to the zygoma, nose and surrounding structures
  • Recognise the signs and symptoms of important complications of zygomatic and nasal injury, and institute appropriate management
  • Formulate an appropriate investigation strategy for zygomatic and nasal injury


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  18. GILPIN, T. and CARLEY, S. No evidence for early manipulation of nasal fractures. BestBETs.
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