October 2021 Virtual Journal Club – Diagnosis of Traumatic Pneumothorax: A Comparison between Lung Ultrasound and Supine Chest Radiographs

Author: Noel Fernando, Stephen Ojo, Kiara Vincent, Anju Menon, Omer Mohammed, Emily Rashleigh / Editor: Rajesh Chatha, Robert Hirst / Codes: / Published: 28/10/2021

At TERN Education we are keen to help you learn how to critically evaluate the evidence base behind your practice. In order to do this, we have been producing monthly virtual journal club modules on RCEMLearning. This months edition is brought to you by the East Midlands journal club team comprised of HSTs around the region.

The Virtual Journal Club gives you the opportunity to critically consider your practice and earn a certificate which demonstrates the new curricular requirement to be engaged in critical appraisal activity. When you finish, click the link to the forum to discuss this months paper with colleagues around the country.

Interested in writing a module? We are looking to recruit regional teams to write future modules. Email us at tern.education@rcem.ac.uk.


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