This session provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-procedure management and complex cases are also covered
Serratus anterior plane block can be used as multimodal analgesia for rib fractures in the trauma patient. This session outlines the ultrasound guided technique.
This session describes the processes around Information Sharing to Tackle Community Violence. It also describes some of the responsibilities of emergency clinicians around confidentiality when looking after victims of violence.
This session will cover the practical aspects of safe insertion of chest drains.
The child with decreased consciousness is a common problem with many possible diagnoses and potentially high mortality and morbidity.
This session presents a logical approach to the assessment, diagnosis and management of soft-tissue hand injuries in the ED, including suggested indications for early hand specialist referrals.
For each life-threatening thoracic injury this session includes: a definition and context, Clinical assessment , treatment and Key learning points.
Understanding mechanism of injury is a crucial aspect of managing patients who have suffered traumatic injuries. This session aims to provide an overview on attaining this information and its translation into patient care.
This session covers the assessment, treatment and management of patients presenting to the ED with primary blast injuries.
The use of FI blocks in the emergency department has been shown to provide effective pain relief in the acute setting and to reduce the use of opiate analgesia.
Radiation can be subdivided into two categories - ionizing and non-ionizing, both of which have an effect on human tissue
This session is about the assessment and complex management of patients with pelvic injury in the emergency department.
This session covers the assessment and management of patients presenting to ED with electrical injuries.
Diving-related problems can present in many ways and their appropriate and timely management is essential for good outcomes and patient safety.
Nerve entrapment syndromes are a group of conditions in which peripheral nerves are damaged, through compression or repeated trauma.
Elbow injuries are common and acute elbow trauma accounts for 2-3% of all visits to the emergency department.
This session covers the diagnosis and initial management of a patient with acute limb ischaemia.
Paediatric injuries can be very different from those sustained in adults in many respects. This session discusses why this is the case and outlines the general principles of treating paediatric injuries.
Cervical spine injuries are rare but potentially devastating. Immobilisation of the cervical spine on the slightest suspicion of injury is recommended by most resuscitation courses.
This learning session focuses on improving the practitioners' skills and knowledge of wound management in an emergency department setting
This learning module covers the basics of what an LVAD is, the common complications an emergency medical team may have to deal with, and the management of a collapsed LVAD patient.
This session covers effective assessment, diagnosis and management of the patients presenting with coma.
Foot injuries are common and because they affect mobility, they can have significant effects on a patient's life and so are important.
In UK ED practice a large group of patients present with musculo-skeletal disorders
Back pain is common: it is estimated that 60-80% of the population have back pain at some time during their life.
The risk factors for a fractured NOF can simplistically be divided into risk factors for falls and risk factors for osteoporosis.
Burns are a major public health problem globally. In addition to physical damage, they can leave a long lasting psychological and social impact.
The assessment of abdominal trauma is notoriously difficult. Serious intra-abdominal injuries may initially appear to be innocuous and localisation of symptoms is variable.
This aims to provide the learner with an overview of common types of skin and soft tissue injuries, how best to accurately describe these, and considers the mechanism most likely to be responsible.
Foot and ankle problems commonly present in primary care and may also present to orthopaedic surgeons, podiatrists, rheumatologists and sports medicine clinics.